From Flame to Fame: A Comprehensive Guide to Fire Protection in School Buildings

From Flame to Fame: A Comprehensive Guide to Fire Protection in School Buildings  

As a teacher, one of your top priorities is ensuring the safety of students inside school buildings. However, in the event of a fire, it can be challenging to keep students and staff members calm and safe. 

That is why it is essential to have a comprehensive fire protection plan in place. A plan that not only ensures a quick and safe exit for all involved, but also how to minimise the chance of a fire in the first place.

Fire Safety Prevention is Better than Cure

To help avoid an incident, preventative measures can be taken, after all, as the old adage says “prevention is better than the cure”. Implementing preventative measures during the building of educational facilities and investing in fire safety is a simple and effective way to protect your school and extinguish any fears that may alight around the matter.

Where to begin? 

First and foremost, for fire protection with new builds, it is important to understand the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and that the guidelines are followed. The BCA outlines the minimum requirements for the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings to ensure compliance with fire safety standards. By adhering to the BCA guidelines, you can ensure that your school building is equipped with the necessary fire protection systems and that they are installed correctly. Keep in mind, it is always best practice to ensure you are getting regular updates for compliance as the Australian codes have amendments from time to time.

What type of fire protection systems should schools have in place? 

It is important to note that there are protective measures all schools must adhere to which include the mandatory installation of equipment. Both active and passive fire protection systems are important and should be used together to provide comprehensive fire safety. Active fire protection can help detect and extinguish fires quickly and include systems like sprinklers, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers. All fire equipment needs to be stored safely and be date-compliant. It is important to remember that just because you have the system in place, doesn’t mean it works, therefore conducting regular testing of these systems should be of the highest priority.

When it comes to passive fire protection, the main purpose is to confine a fire within a specific area of a building. This is the first defence against fires and can include things like fire-resistant walls, doors, and ceilings, as well as fire-stopping and intumescent coatings. This is incorporated into a building design during the early stages of construction. Passive fire protection is not something to be overlooked. BCA outlines that a building needs to use components that meet the fire rating for building materials and intumescent coatings are your best bet. They are not only great for passive fire ratings, but also a cost-effective material. These systems use materials that give compartmentation, stopping structural collapse by reducing the speed of fire spread, and giving more time for a safe evacuation.

A quick burst into intumescent coatings...

 Nullifire Intumescent Coatings

Intumescent coatings are designed to protect structural steel from reaching a critical structural failure temperature. Steel begins to lose its strength and cause potential building collapse, which typically tends to occur around 500ºC. The coating reacts and expands to form a stable, carbonaceous char when exposed to temperatures of approximately 200ºC. This char acts as an insulating barrier, reducing the rate of heat conducted to the steel. The carbonaceous char must remain in place during any movement of the steel, such as expansion or deflection, until the required protection criteria is achieved. Consideration of a range of key factors come into play when choosing the right intumescent protection for your structure, including the fire rating, steel size selection, whether the product is being applied at the site or a factory, the limiting steel temperature, the construction, and final environment.

What other ways can schools ensure fire protection?

Conducting training and awareness programs for staff should be a regular occurrence as everyone can play a role in improving fire safety. Educating staff on things such as precautionary actions, escape routes, and knowing where all emergency exits are, as well as access points that allow fire engines to enter can significantly enhance safety. 

Looking out for broken or frayed wires and planning regular inspections can prevent a disaster from happening. Remember, it could take a small spark to start a fire, especially in highly conductive areas like the science lab or art room. 

Regular fire drills at school are a good exercise to practice how to evacuate the building safely and quickly with regular reminders of where the best assembly points can be located. Ensuring the students understand fire safety and prohibiting smoking on school grounds can help to avoid an incident

Fire Safety in Schools - Exit Sign

Fire protection and safety in schools are incredibly important and should never be overlooked, especially considering the multitude of factors that can occur on school grounds, from accidental blazes or arson, to uncontrolled bushfires or classroom accidents. Schools must ensure they are well-equipped to prevent fire hazards as well as ensuring Australian laws are met. By conducting regular inspections and training, schools can ensure the safety of all staff, students and visitors.

If you are working on a project and need advice, reach out to our Passive Fire Protection Specialist, Chris Partington.

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